Our main goal is to advocate for the rights of
children no matter how, when, or where they were born.
Equal Rights for Children is the first non-profit organization dedicated to advocating for the rights of marginalized children facing discrimination due to circumstances such as their immigration status, disabilities, or family structure. We use fashion, media, art, and film as platforms to raise awareness about the social injustices they face and promote equality. Our work is inspired by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

Advocacy & Awarness
Our advocacy efforts have already reached multiple fashion shows, including one at New York Fashion Week. We're committed to collaborating on more films and documentaries focusing on children's rights and bringing these issues to light.
Funding & Projects
With the funding we receive, we plan to support more projects that raise awareness about these crucial issues. Our goal is to drive social change and uplift the rights of marginalized communities.
Programs & Collaborations
Through our programs and proceeds, we will collaborate with children's arts and acting schools to offer acting classes for kids in low-income areas. These initiatives aim to provide creative outlets and opportunities for personal growth.
Stay tuned for more updates on our ongoing projects and new initiatives!
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead
Meet Angela
Amadea “Angela” Aquino is a Filipino-American children and human rights advocate with a background in business and fashion. As the founder of Equal Rights for Children, Angela’s passion focuses on children’s rights with the hope of advancing the rights of marginalized children facing discrimination due to their circumstances.

Our Angels and Guardians

Silmara Ribeiro
Model, Brazil

Baian Taleb
Goodwill Ambassador,
Miss Arab USA (2016-2017)
Board of Directors

Catherine Nowak
Model, New York
Thanks to our heroes!


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